Pushup logo, a caret surrounded by left and right angle brackets ala HTML element Pushup web framework

A server-side, page-oriented web framework for the Go programming language.

Pushup’s goal is to make it faster to develop and easier to maintain server-side web applications using Go.

Pushup is preview, pre-release software in early-stage development. It is not yet suitable for production use. Expect breaking changes.

Pushup example

^import "time"

   title := "Hello, from Pushup!"


<p>The time is now ^time.Now().String().</p>

^if time.Now().Weekday() == time.Friday {
    <p>It's Friday! Enjoy the start to your weekend.</p>
} ^else {
    <p>Have a great day, we're glad you're here.</p>

File app/pages/hello.up/hello URL path


Getting started